Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Book Review: Darling

by K. Ancrum
Pub Date: 22 Jun 2021

I'm glad I stuck with it because I ended up really liking it, but it was an early struggle to get there.  I loved the modernization of the story and was intrigued by some of the new characterization (hint: Shadow). Because of the nature of the story, however, I do think it is better for the 13 and up, i.e., it's not a children's story. Without spoiling the story, the fact that Peter doesn't want to grow up takes on a new perspective in this modernized version.

The author supported the characterization of the characters' intelligence quite well with direct references to artists that "painted" the settings with their allusions. On the other hand, it's setting is Chicago, and some references would only be known by someone from that area.

In spite of the dark nature of this retold tale, there was a positive, empowering message also portrayed: choice. The reason I said I was glad I stuck with it was the backstory; the author exposed the backstory toward the end, and it was truly engaging.


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