Tuesday, December 08, 2020

Book Review: Things I Learned from Falling

Things I Learned from Falling

by Claire Nelson

Pub Date: 25 May 2021 

read courtesy of http://netgalley.com

I love biographies. I really love well-written autobiographies. This is well-written, which is expected from someone who works as a writer in the field of journalism. Nelson's personal strength jumps off the page in stark contrast to the self-doubts so many of us feel, including Nelson.  To confront face-to-face the "impostor syndrome" in such an extreme situation provides the lucky readers with an innocuous way to encounter their own feelings with having to drink their own urine. 

There was only one section, midway through the story, that felt heavy and arduous to push through. The congruity is that this section described the depression that precipitated Nelson's self-exploration and eventual trek to the desert.

The part I personally related to the most was the thing that Nelson repeatedly said was the thing that made her the happiest, that was what she fought to live for - talking nonsense with friends. I cherish that, too, and can see why that was the thing worth holding onto hope for. It embodies belonging.

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